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gay porn emporium

File 172102312032.jpg - (345.88KB , 2000x1500 , libretto100ct_with_mouse.jpg )
213 No. 213
My perfect rant about why Rust is stupid has been removed because all of the boards are wiped. That rant was *perfect*. People would ask, I would just send them a link to that tweet, they'd say "I ain't clickin' that shit, nigga" and I'd tell them "Fuck your optics" and they'd never ask me about Rust again.

Fuck it. A QR code holds about 4kB, anyone wanna play boot sector golf?
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>> No. 214
File 172102956072.jpg - (63.31KB , 752x423 , libretto100ct.jpg )
I should say I just like to collect pictures of weird computers and the Libretto is cool. I have no idea who the reddit guy is.
>> No. 219
File 172151599144.png - (2.37MB , 2560x2560 , PatriQt02.png )
>I have no idea who the reddit guy is.
yeah ok chuddy

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