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gay porn emporium

File 167064528552.png - (8.57KB , 450x450 , green-anon-laugh.png )
1 No. 1 Stickied hide watch expand quickreply [Reply]
This board is for the proposal, discussion, planning, and coordination of raids and /i/nvasions, which are and shall always be a time-honored tradition of the imageboard community. Feel free also to share tips, tricks, and tools for staying anonymous, causing disruption and butthurt, evading bans, etc.

Always remember that raids are undertaken purely for the lulz; they are not tools for you to settle an insignificant personal vendetta with somebody, nor are they conducted in the pursuit of some lofty political or moral cause. We are not moralfags, and if you opt to ignore this message and bring your moralfag activist causes to this board, then we may just decide to raid you and your community instead, because it would likely be funny.

Raids and /i/nvasions do not simply happen. They require, among other things, an active, rather than a passive, attitude. If you wait around for one to show up at your doorstep, then you will be idle and bored all day.
30 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 948
remember when rarepepes.com kicked our ass lol
>> No. 992
File 172326479765.jpg - (641.58KB , 2048x4070 , i niggered.jpg )
i niggered
>> No. 1139
you lost

File 172903793326.png - (363.48KB , 694x663 , i catty.png )
1137 No. 1137 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Another catty wiped
>> No. 1138
File 172903795696.png - (31.83KB , 856x171 , i get.png )
And another get stolen

File 172903792985.gif - (2.46MB , 254x254 , 1677662924137-0.gif )
1136 No. 1136 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 172903788618.png - (81.09KB , 600x800 , 1682830633297.png )
1135 No. 1135 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 172903788467.png - (244.40KB , 452x679 , 1726756296183v.png )
1134 No. 1134 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 172903786418.gif - (802.21KB , 900x1200 , 1570771224006.gif )
1133 No. 1133 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 172903784815.png - (16.53KB , 632x756 , kike.png )
1132 No. 1132 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 172903783283.png - (34.00KB , 708x800 , crying soy.png )
1131 No. 1131 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 172903781610.png - (941.54KB , 1932x1022 , ClipboardImage.png )
1130 No. 1130 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 17290377712.gif - (3.67MB , 765x765 , 1716996747798b.gif )
1129 No. 1129 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

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