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gay porn emporium

File 171226289489.png - (240.98KB , 1178x791 , catalog.png )
279 No. 279 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Am I a hacker now?
>> No. 280
hell yea
>> No. 296
I want to shoot to kill members of the church of scientology

File 171924608673.jpg - (267.26KB , 1169x1600 , skull.jpg )
281 No. 281 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Get this.

By complete stupid accident I found a security flaw in a very popular piece of technology. It allows you to crash the consoomer app running (that scans/takes payments/etc) and get to the internal tablet menu where you can view almost all the information about the gizmo. You can even link it to a WiFi network of your own choosing.

The company who sells the devices doesn't have a public bug bounty program and I don't have the time to l33t haxxor myself (major sad IRL stuff right now). Where the hell could I try to sell my newfound secret to?
>> No. 287
File 172059322926.jpg - (136.96KB , 850x1379 , GQJ5B8EWAAAhaT_.jpg )
tweet it here. bring glory to 711 anonymous not to your piek account like some kike
>> No. 292
File 172103331991.jpg - (68.96KB , 735x916 , 9834285f1f82.jpg )
is it a tabulation machine?

File 171093574037.jpg - (20.91KB , 220x294 , Ted_Kaczynski_2_(cropped).jpg )
276 No. 276 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
I have come here after a long long time tweet project chanology, can some anon give me a rundown on what happened here?
>> No. 277
yea I shidded abd farded :3
>> No. 278
A lot can change in 15 years. Bort died, then it was necroed and is now the desert you see.

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