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gay porn emporium

File 172281148772.jpg - (924.42KB , 2481x3508 , Article 2 (1).jpg )
989 No. 989
We're spreading a series of articles which describes the cornerstones of why the world is unlivable, and what needs to be attacked to make room for anything new.

They'' first appear on imageboards, and eventually make their way across the internet to mainstream social media.

To make sure they get to as many eyes as possible, they will be devoid of partisan language, from antisemitism to marxist jargon. The point is to maximize spread. Then, if even 1% of readers take action, we'll have a revolution on our hands.

Our enemies are able to spend billions on AI-powered ad campaigns, we will accomplish the same for free via decentralized effort.

Fuck em
>> No. 990
What is even the point for thise whole site to exist? It's all dead.
>> No. 991
cool down champ. this site is not dead.
>> No. 996
There's page 1 only, wheres the rest?
>> No. 998
is this you historical fag?

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