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necrobilly fucked my dad and all I got was this lousy board subtitle

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2937 No. 2937
I'm absolutely outraged by a bitch, and fuck it, I'm going to express my outrage. This bitch (Marciele de Vargas Klippel) Facebook: Marciele Tavares Marci Instagram: @pizzaiola_marciklippel WP: (+55) 54 9 9327-1877 I used your social media to attack someone who was depressed after an abortion, and I found it really lacking consideration she exported another person who supported her, and now she's attacking me too, this unhappy Jewish bitch. I'm dying to fuck her, I would even eat this fat son of a bitch's ass and cum in her womb to stop being such a damn scum. Suggestions on what to do with this cow?
>> No. 2938
I don't know. Can't see her feet. Need to se her feet in order to think clearly.

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