Collected in 3.782 seconds Accuracy: 89.76 percent @istandwithsatoko: 's Comment Statistics: IP: Michoacan, Mexico Dna Tests Results: 57% Mexico; 13% Brazilian; 17% Australian Indigenous; 10% Spanish ;3% German Gender: Questioning possibly FTM Transgender Pronouns: Ne/gro Testosterone: 70 ng/dL Body Fat Percentage: 110% NeoOCTOFUCKERPOTATOCANNON microflora: 120% higher bacteria found than in normal male OCTOFUCKERPOTATOCANNONes, traces of Oestridae maggot feces found within neourethra User is suspected to have visited 12 transition surgery locations within the past month Snopes Verified ✅ Fact checked by ✅ Fact checked by Hitler✅ Peer reviewed analysis ✅ Fact checked by mil✅
why do we make HAMmier logs on raids of other sites than our own board
bumo, also i dont know if anyone will ever read this but its because nusoicacas care more about baiting each other and retard drama than tweeting jaks, raids are still pure doe
>you're acting a bit CRABBY!