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gay porn emporium

File 171485210827.jpg - (69.42KB , 1280x1024 , threechwon.jpg )
956 No. 956 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
come win on threech.top

File 171409451577.png - (6.19KB , 343x338 , harblgarbl.png )
953 No. 953 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 171071385077.jpg - (40.71KB , 500x667 , mydick.jpg )
946 No. 946 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

File 171055390614.png - (1.61MB , 3232x4688 , tribeware.png )
945 No. 945 hide watch quickreply [Reply]

Tynan Laird, AKA "Triagonal" on deviantART, was permahit with a pie for harassment. They couldn't get the hint, and days later they attempted to pie-evade, poorly. https://www.deviantart.com/forum/devart/general/2674267

They were permahit with a pie off of deviantart two years ago on their "Triagonal" account, and despite claiming to have apologized they and their friends continue to stalk, dox, impersonate, and slander anyone who is wary of them. I've included a list of their known alts on other social media so that you can block them, and this video may be revised to include more information.

They have lied about so many things about themselves and "Tynan Laird" is not their real name, as no good matches for that name exist on name lookup sites. They also do not live in Pitcairn. Both u/MozartWasARed and u/NiotaBunny on Reddit have been confirmed to have the the same browser fingerprint and IP address, verifying that the two accounts belong to the same person. Triagonal/Tynan Laird has been claiming that u/NiotaBunny is not their alt ever since the real Niot
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File 171038877752.jpg - (255.75KB , 860x1103 , huffinhayven.jpg )
943 No. 943 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
the attention whore has returned and leaked his own phone number, be sure to ring him up relentlessly and call him a paint huffer and make him cry. west virginia timezone gmt-4

No. 931 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 941
File 170988748775.jpg - (580.67KB , 1936x2592 , imageboard.jpg )

File 170975768737.jpg - (54.81KB , 410x512 , valenciaandfrens.jpg )
937 No. 937 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
Hi Valecia, sharing a snapshot from our gathering last night. And it was a pleasure meeting you at the business summit. You know I really appreciate your business insight, so I’m hoping for more chances to collaborate in the future.
Best regards.

(628) 946-5253

(he sent the image also) (happened about five mins ago)

File 17093503573.jpg - (33.94KB , 375x579 , chudschudschuds.jpg )
932 No. 932 hide watch quickreply [Reply]
did joker win?
>> No. 934
File 170946604383.jpg - (85.92KB , 600x378 , wasntthejoker.jpg )
certainly not- that guys a clown
>> No. 936
File 17095472215.jpg - (48.60KB , 541x960 , notacatman.jpg )
bork bork bork, we should hold him down, repaint his face and make him an goth.

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