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gay porn emporium

File 167064528552.png - (8.57KB , 450x450 , green-anon-laugh.png )
1 No. 1
This board is for the proposal, discussion, planning, and coordination of raids and /i/nvasions, which are and shall always be a time-honored tradition of the imageboard community. Feel free also to share tips, tricks, and tools for staying anonymous, causing disruption and butthurt, evading bans, etc.

Always remember that raids are undertaken purely for the lulz; they are not tools for you to settle an insignificant personal vendetta with somebody, nor are they conducted in the pursuit of some lofty political or moral cause. We are not moralfags, and if you opt to ignore this message and bring your moralfag activist causes to this board, then we may just decide to raid you and your community instead, because it would likely be funny.

Raids and /i/nvasions do not simply happen. They require, among other things, an active, rather than a passive, attitude. If you wait around for one to show up at your doorstep, then you will be idle and bored all day.
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>> No. 2
We raid the panty drawer. Tonight.
>> No. 3
>> No. 4
what?, absed on waht lol
>> No. 5
Based on WINNING
>> No. 6
File 167121581497.jpg - (264.14KB , 1448x2048 , 1670549789786420.jpg )
Do not raid the panty drawer tonight.
>> No. 7
File 167132944063.png - (251.26KB , 1917x917 , worldoftext.png )
Our World Of Text (OWOT) might be good for a raid.
You can type text infinitely, which means endless spam. It gets rather chaotic.And we could post pixel arts and stuff if you're good at that.
>> No. 8
Good suggestion, but you should post this as a separate thread so that it's easier for others to find
>> No. 16
Is there a way we could troll s*yjak posters' HQ?
They shit up various sites and they look like good targets.
>> No. 20
they'll adopt pretty much anything that gets spammed, so ideally we should pick something that we would find funny for them to adopt.
>> No. 21
Just imagine them spamming it around.
>> No. 31
I mostly find them on twitter a lot (not intentionally). You'll probably find them easily if you find debatetards slapping onto your feed
>> No. 32
File 167321802113.png - (395.46KB , 333x433 , strawman.png )
It'd be pretty lulzy to mess with the debate bros that take everything seriously on a platform that takes everything super seriously :^)
>> No. 33

I actually found a chan specifically for soyjack posting ROFL


Also i agree 32 it'll be fun to troll them
>> No. 34
File 167324045131.gif - (3.19MB , 498x371 , ANGLO IN CHAT.gif )
Soyjak.party and jakparty.soy were the two sites anon was more than likely referring to.

I think >>20 and >>21 laid it out best for fucking with them.

>Also i agree 32 it'll be fun to troll them
Me wonders if >we can get /leftypol/ in on fucking with debatetards, since they have a Internet Spectacle General or something of that sorts.
>> No. 91
File 167495109757.gif - (1.97MB , 320x240 , 8920a114ed0f8ed83684e18135b80902.gif )
Soyfags can't raid LOL
The short bus awaits...
>> No. 102
soys are cancer. how do we troll soyposters?
>> No. 108
join the irc
>> No. 142
File 167706446552.png - (428.36KB , 1017x1600 , Toaru Majutsu no Index - Vol_11 Ch_64 - Promise - .png )
"how do you troll that which has no life"
Ironically, by ignoring them. They really don't deserve your time.

If you want the maximum lulz option, spam them with cute kawaii desu anime pictures (while also ignoring them). They can't handle cute or moe anime due to their irony-corrupted dark souls.

Hope this helped!
>> No. 144
This doesn't apply at all to the real oldfags who actually did experience 2004-2008 4chan, the old Internet, the Habbo Hotel and corporate Internet poll raids, the Scientology protests, etc.
>> No. 148
4cock circa 2005 didn't use the one same meme with edits slapped over it.
>> No. 160
friendly reminder that we just laugh when you post five of your schizo pics and call it a raid.
>> No. 353
File 167770529191.png - (346.85KB , 720x531 , nudle.png )
Was WAY more than five posts lmao
>> No. 355
Holy cope
>> No. 379
okay, ten then
>> No. 389
File 167849945075.png - (26.89KB , 673x300 , 1678495437711.png )
soyfags just stole the get from /lgbt/
>> No. 390
they should get a life lmao
>> No. 391
>> No. 521
Who cares about GETs
Bring back lulz
>> No. 522
Best source of lulz lately has been >>17
>> No. 786
Soyjaks are the gay bar culture. Do not harm the gay bar.
>> No. 948
remember when rarepepes.com kicked our ass lol
>> No. 992
File 172326479765.jpg - (641.58KB , 2048x4070 , i niggered.jpg )
i niggered
>> No. 1139
you lost

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